DoMore Diagnostics congratulates Prof. Håvard Danielsen with the King Olav V´s Cancer Research Prize for 2022
DoMore Diagnostics congratulates Prof. Håvard Danielsen with the King Olav V´s Cancer Research Prize for 2022. The prestigious prize was handed over by HM Kong Harald V on behalf of the Norwegian Cancer Society in Oslo on May 9.
Prof. Danielsen is a pioneer and world leading expert on digital pathology and artificial intelligence. His research group at the Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics has developed novel deep learning algorithms to predict cancer outcome in the largest cancer indications. The work has led to publications in high-ranking international journals. DoMore Diagnostics has licensed the technology from Oslo University Hospital and the team is proud to see the recognition of this work and technology. We are committed to bring these new inventions to cancer patients worldwide.
Click here to read more about the prestigous award and Prof. Danielsens work.
Prof. Håvard Danielsen
Photo: The Institute of Cancer Genetics and Informatics at Oslo University Hospital.